Short Bio of Rev. Dr. Rainbow Johnson

I was living in a cave on Kauai in the 60’s (remember the 60’s?) when I got a “message.” It said, “Religious Science.” I kid you not. I had never heard of it, so I wrote to my mother in L.A. and asked her to look up Religious Science in the phone book. It turns out that was their headquarters! I wrote to them, and the rest is history.

This is what’s happened since then. I already had a BA from UCLA in Education and English, but I got an MA from Cal State in Educational Psychology and counseling, and graduated as a minister from Holmes Institute in 1986. Since I am Jewish by birth, my mother asked me, “Are you converting?” to which I responded, “No, I’m just expanding.” Sooo, I became a Rabbinister. I was ordained in 1988.

I received an honorary doctorate degree in Humanities from Inner Circle University of Graduate Christians in Los Angeles in 2001, and the Meritorious Minister of the Year Award from the United Church of Religious Science in 2005. This was capped by the “Fred Vogt” award from United Centers for Spiritual Living, honoring me for my loving encouragement and support of my ministerial colleagues. Cool!

In addition to having a pulpit in Austin for 8 years, I stepped into national leadership roles on the Education Core, chairperson of the Social Issues Core, and co-chairperson of the Nominating Core.

One of my favorite parts of my ministry is my position as Clergy Counselor for the Austin Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program, which I’ve been doing since 1992. I’ve seen over 4000 clients! (Can you believe?)

I’ve been a regular contributor to Science of Mind Magazine since 1978.

And this is the best part. I travel all over the U.S. (to almost all 50 states) and all over the world (5 continents) , teaching metaphysical principles, lecturing, conducting workshops, and retreats.

My current ministry is called Rainbow Ministry but in reality it embodies the Church Without Walls, and Family Without Boundaries.

I am now a certified coach in Calling in “The One,”
And my current passion is the Sacred Elders of the Earth.


My entire life is devoted to the demonstration of the oneness and holy nature of all facets of life, cultivating the synergy of spirituality, psychology, philosophy, science, ecology, the healing arts, the creative arts, and  the  cultures  of  humankind.  I devote  my  existence to bettering the quality of life on planet earth by loving all people as members of my family, to demonstrating the Presence of God in all by respecting and loving the environment, all plants, animals and minerals therein; and teaching not by words but by example, spreading peace, love, and truth wherever I go on my life’s journey.

Welcome to Rainbow Ministries

Do you want to know how beautiful you are?  
Just look into my eyes, and see yourself reflected there.
“Rainbow helps so many to live a mythic life. 
She has a passion for the possible!”  - Jean Houston



Rainbow Ministries